Best Nap Ever

So many plans for the day... goals... my to-do list.  None of them could make me conquer how exhausted I felt.  I pushed through taking care of things - updating my business plan, clipping coupons, etc - until about 1pm.  I couldn't push any longer.  I kept falling asleep at my desk. So I gave up... went back to the bed... didn't even shut the door... and slept for THREE HOURS! 

Best... nap... EVER!

The room was cold.  The bed felt extra soft and cozy.  I bundled up under the comforter and next thing I knew it was 4:07pm.  Upon awakening I felt groggy and had lost all motivation for the day.  I have spent the rest of it rewatching a few episodes of Heros (first season only, of course), catching up on some shows on Hulu, and playing with my precious pets.  Then I remembered the promise I made about blogging every day.  My planned blog post was incomplete, so you just get to read about my great nap. I never said the posts had to be interesting, right?  I took no pictures today, because, well, I was being lazy. 

Sometimes it's good to give in.  

Ever had a day like this?

Follow me on Facebook here and Twitter @SarahComo

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